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Swapping foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat for healthy snacks
My pregnancy diet

Foods to cut back during pregnancy

You already know you should eat healthy, get plenty of protein, iron and folic acid, but there are also some foods to cut back during pregnancy.

Reduce the consumption of saturated and trans fats

Unless you are sure that these foods do not contain saturated fats and trans-fatty acids (manufactured fats created during food processing), cut back on the following foods: French fries, potato chips, fried chicken, cookies, donuts, pastries and other baked goods.

Reduce your sugar and salt intake

Swapping some foods that are high in sugar and salt will be good for you and your baby: e.g., sugary snacks, candies, ice cream, sweetened sodas, sausages, bacon, cheese and pizza.

Foods to cut back during pregnancy

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