How to cope with infertility
Infertility is generally defined as not being able to get pregnant after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse. Infertility affects millions of people – estimates suggest that approximately one in every six people of reproductive age worldwide experience infertility in their lifetime.
Coping with infertility
You or your partner may be diagnosed as infertile, as a result of a known cause such as blocked fallopian tubes or poor sperm quality, while in 25% of cases, the cause remains unknown. How to cope with infertility can be particularly difficult when there is nothing obvious to “fix”, but you’re not alone! Support from counselors, friends & loved ones can help you through this ordeal.
Acknowledging your feelings
Coping with infertility can have a huge emotional impact on both you and your partner, leading to feelings of isolation, worthlessness, and anger. It’s crucial to acknowledge and permit these emotions as valid responses to the situation.
Sharing that you’re struggling with infertility
While it’s completely understandable that you might just want to curl up on the sofa on down days, try not to isolate yourself as this can have a negative, self-perpetuating effect on your mental health.
Opening up about your fertility struggles to loved ones can often feel like a relief, giving you an opportunity to explain what you’re going through. If you choose to share your fertility issues, tell others what they can do to support you. This might be simply telling you that they love you, or agreeing not to give any unsolicited advice.
Keeping your relationship strong
Trying unsuccessfully for a baby month after month can put a strain on even the strongest of relationships. Sex can feel like a chore, there may be blame or guilt, as well as differences in how you are coping with infertility.
Try to have some “fertility free” days, where you don’t talk about it, and make sure you schedule in lots of fun, for example date nights, to keep the romance alive and remind yourselves what you love about each other.
Avoiding obsession with pregnancy
While infertility may dominate your thoughts, it’s essential not to let it consume your life entirely. Engaging in other pursuits, such as adopting a new hobby, undertaking home improvements, or traveling, can provide a sense of progress and personal growth. If concerns about delayed conception arise, consulting with a fertility specialist can provide reassurance.
TTC with a healthy diet and lifestyle
Physical activity is great for boosting your mental health, which can help when coping with infertility. This is because exercise reduces levels of your body’s stress hormones, and releases endorphins—“happy hormones”—your body’s natural mood-lifters.
Infertility can make you feel like you have no control over your life, but one area where you can regain some power is what you choose to put into your body. Eating a nutritious TTC diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and legumes, healthy fats, fiber and complex carbohydrates, vitamins and antioxidants is likely to improve your fertility, and in doing so you can feel empowered that you’re doing everything possible to boost your chances of getting pregnant.